Hardware Encrypted Messenger

This is an info page for the prototype of a Hardware Encrypted Messenger.

The project aims to provide secure communication between any of the devices.

With the comfort of portability and a full keyboard.

Function Diagram

Use Case

  • Politicians
  • Journalists


Demo video of the messenger.

Screen capture of the corresponding App.


3d Printed   Case

For portability.


3,2" TFT        Display

Enough room for a messaging UI, backlight control for battery life.


Power Supply and Switches

A 1200mah battery, tested to last all day and a quickcharger. Some external switches, and the ATTEC508a at bottom right.


ESP32 & XBOX Chat-pad

The ESP32 as a Processor on top of the display back, and an XBOX360 Chat pad for Input.

Features implemented

This project is still in progress. Currently all major functionality which is required to get the project up and running has been tested.

  • Attec chip setup on device ( blank chip -> locked chip ready for use )
  • adding contacts, verifying contacts
  • async key exchange for AES encrypted message exchange
  • en/de-crypting messages , sending / receiving messages
  • connectivity to android phone app via bluetooth
  • OMEMO transport of messages on Android phones
  • 3D printed case

Next: Open source it

I would like to release the project with an open source license . To get there, there are still a lot of things to do.

Contact me for more information and if you want to contribute.